September: Mongolia
October: Nepal
November: Kurdistan
December: Liberia

Searching trip to Choyr and Bayankhongor, Mongolia

Mending cath trip to Kurdistan, Iraq

Mending cath trip to Mongolia

Mending cath trip to Kurdistan, Iraq

Mending in Kurdistan, Iraq as part of a Samaritan’s Purse Heart Project with surgeries and caths

Searching trip to Uurkhungai, Mongolia

Mending trip to Mongolia

Searching trip to Kurdistan, Iraq as part of Samaritan’s Purse Heart Project

Searching in Kurdistan, Iraq as part of a Samaritan’s Purse Project and small cath trip

Small Mending trip in Mongolia to repair the father and two others. Three bypass cases in one day, a first for Mongolia

Searching in Byan-Ulgii and Khovd

Mending in Mongolia: Caths and surgeries

Mending trip to Yemen was cancelled 12 hours before the majority of the team was to leave due to a terrorist attack on the US compound in Sana’a

Mongolia Mending trip with surgeries and caths Found out the father of the daughter also had a hole in his heart that needed to be repaired

Searching in South Gobi, Mongolia

Mending trip in Mongolia with surgeries and cardiac caths. Kept the promise to repair the daughter of the woman who had inoperable heart disease.

Searching trip in Mayan Pennisula of Mexico

Searching in Khentiy. Found the daughter of a mother who was inoperable

Mending in Mongolia which included both cardiac surgery and cardiac catheterizations

First Mending trip in Mongolia. Our supplies did not show up until we were leaving, but God provided everything we needed to do the first ever pediatric heart surgery on cardio-pulmonary bypass in Mongolia

Searching trip to the district hospitals around Ulaan Baatar. It was during this trip that a glass door was broken as a mass of families eager to be screened pressed to be seen.

Mongolian Searching trip to Erdenet and Bulgan. This was the trip that spawned the idea of doing surgery in Mongolia as we uncovered more and more children who needed to be repaired

Mongolia Searching trip to Darkhan. This is was the start of the quest to screen children in all 22 of the Mongolian Aimags(Provinces) over 1400 children screened