Kosova April 2010

Kirk wrote this e-mail in April 2010 to the team that participated in our cardiac surgical trip to Kosova during the summer of 2009: Dear Team, I just had one of those incredibly encouraging afternoons.  All of the kids that received surgery here in July 2009 came...

Kosova July 2009

“But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Matthew 1:19 We’re flying home from a week in Kosova. We went there to do our first pediatric cardiac surgical mission trip there as a joint project between For Hearts and Souls and Samaritan’s...

Kosovo 2006

We are again enroute home from yet another trip where I am awed and humbled by what I have experienced.  Kirk and I are traveling home from Pristina, Kosova.  We were accompanied there by our good friends, Dr. John Kupferschmid (pediatric heart surgeon) and his wife...