Mongolia September 2011

Grace.  Unmerited favor.  Kirk and I are on the plane home from Mongolia.  During our annual Searching for the Broken Hearts week, Kirk and a team of about 22 Americans and 16 Mongolians screened 2,184 children for congenital heart disease in the southwest portion of...

Mongolia, September 2010

Tradition: I’m on the plane from Seoul to San Francisco, with Kirk beside me, returning from our seventh surgical trip to Mongolia since 2005, and writing this update. I felt like the Lord gave me a word picture this week. I was feeling euphoric in the midst of a hard...

Mongolia, September 2009

Last week, 35 Americans, including Kirk and myself, traveled to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for our sixth Mending the Broken Hearts week there.  Many of you know it is my tradition to write the updates of our trips on the plane home.  I myself find this a fascinating...

Mongolia April 2009

          We’re en route home from Mongolia and, as is tradition, I’m writing an update.  We usually do a big trip to Mongolia every Fall with a Searching for the Broken Hearts week, a Mending the Broken Hearts week, and a team of at least 50 people.  This was a short...

Mongolia 2008

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,             Praise Him all creatures here below,             Praise Him above ye heavenly host,             Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.    I (Kim) am on the plane flying home from Mongolia.  It is my tradition to write...